Copywork & Dictation
215 pages
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Lighted Lanterns Copywork & Dictation is a one-stop resource for copywork and dictation selections.
- Geared for Grades 5-8 (but not limited to those grades!)
- 4 years' worth of selections
- 4 quarters for each year
- 9 weeks for each quarter
- 5 selection possibilities for each week
- Tailor to your family's needs! Advanced students can regularly do more; not so advanced can stick to one a week.
- Assignment suggestions
- Reproducible Selection Checklist - you can check off which student did which selection
- Use with multiple students at one time!
- Intended to be used with Learning Grammar Through Writing and our up-and-coming Writing Purposes for a well-rounded L.A. course for Grades 5-8.