Honor thy father and thy mother.
Mark. X,19
Oh God, who knowest how weak and unable I am to do good, leave me not to myself,but give me grace to comply with Thy holy commandments.
![]() Thy knowest the commandments: Honor thy father and thy mother. Mark. X,19 PRAYER Oh God, who knowest how weak and unable I am to do good, leave me not to myself,but give me grace to comply with Thy holy commandments.
![]() Welcome to the first ever post on the Cascia Books blog! The plan for this blog is not a lofty one. No great debates about complicated issues here. We hope to create a little pocket of serenity, imbued with Catholic content geared toward the Catholic homeschooling mother (that is who we are after all!) but with a warm welcome extended to all who visit. My cousin Catherine graciously lent me a stack of holy cards that belonged to her great-aunt who passed away a while back. Some of these cards date back to the 1880’s, many were given to a boy named Bernard in his school days. I will be posting images of these holy cards on the blog regularly. Along with the holy cards, there was a stack of newsletters entitled: The boys’ and girls’ own magazine: “Manna” A Catholic Monthly Tending to promote: Tender love for our Eucharistic Lord, Longing love to help Christ’s poor, Eager love for dainty reading These monthly newsletters are from 1918-1922 and are full of stories, poems, riddles and such for the Catholic child and we will be posting some of the content from them here. Expect also the occasional article on some aspect or other of homeschooling and language arts as well as info and updates on upcoming levels of our Lighted Lanterns series. Thank you for visiting! |
AuthorWelcome to the Cascia Books Blog! Archives
November 2022